Politics – my first and last comment

Ok, so I already know I’m a bit of a disappointment coming from a family of lawyers. Perhaps it was because my father’s idea of good tv for me when I was 6 consisted of Washington Week in Review and the McNeil Lehrer News Hour on PBS (my apologies to all parties whose names I did not spell correctly).
That being said, I’ve always had an aversion to politics. Call me crazy, but why is it that we don’t have enough money to feed everyone in our country, but somewhere there are enough funds to create wack-a-doodle signs with “Michelle” written on them for a convention hall full of people? And why do we need conventions anyway? To suddenly feel good about the one person who has survived all the backstabbing and mud-slinging from the past 19 months? I’m sorry, but aren’t the same people on the platform currently signing your praises the same people who were destroying your reputation a few months ago? I just don’t get it.
On that note, who is doing the job we’re actually paying these people for? If I’m not mistaken, most of the people who are running for this prestigious office are already Senators or something of the like. So not only are they getting paid to NOT do their job, but they’re asking for more money to make more wack-a-doodle signs for people (who also, seemingly, must have a job that pays them not to be there) to wave them around like those crazy Beatles fans I always see black and white clips of from the 60’s). I heard that the candidates are raising millions of dollars just to campaign! Seriously? Surely we could put that money to better use around here. If they can’t figure that out, maybe they could rent “Dave” and get some pointers.
Couldn’t we just have one party – the American party? After all, aren’t we all supposed to be working towards the same goals? The same good for all of humanity? What happened to terms like Integrity, Respect, Kindess and most importantly, One Nation Under God? Forget political parties, forget religious denominations and forget who’s funding what. In the spirit of the Olympics, couldn’t we put our differences aside and focus on treating others as we wish to be treated while dreaming of something bigger than ourselves? The Bible is filled with admonishments of living in Unity, as one body, called to a higher purpose.
Call me naive, call me sentimental, call me crazy, but if all the people who have been volunteering to call my house over the past week 10 times a day would instead volunteer at a school or shelter, we wouldn’t have to be so worried about WHO is in office as much as we would be working together to eliminate the need for SO MANY offices!
Just a thought….

Kariss & Britton’s First Day of School…Ever!

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Our FIRST First Day of School!

It’s official ~ we have school age kids! This morning, we dropped both Kariss and Britton off at Jupiter Montessori Academy. They’ll both be there 3 mornings a week (M-W-F) though Britton will be there only until noon and Kariss will stay until 1:30. So here I am, typing on a computer without feeling guilty about not singing Wiggles songs or having a dance party in my living room!

I do have to say my exuberance is tempered by the impeding storm rolling in outside my window. Though we’re not expecting much from fay, the two tone sky is quickly being replaced by a black line of clouds and we have yet to prepare…and we all remember what happened when we thought Wilma wasn’t going to be much of anything 2 years ago! The joy of Florida summer without electricity!

5th Anniversary

For someone who’s previously considered 3 months a long-term relationship, I find it hard to believe I’ve been married to my best friend for five years today. Although we knew after one week that we were supposed to get married, I never imagined the past six years would have flown by so fast. Add to the mix a newly-turned 4 year old little girl and a sweet 2 1/2 year old little boy, and you have a formula I certainly could not have predicted, but could not appreciate more.

Having just taken both our children to a Montessori school for a trial day yesterday, my mind is spinning at the thought of our kids going to school already! Not that it’s happening yet, but seriously, what happened to the days of strolling out in the street to make our daily Publix/Wal-Mart run with the other neighborhood preschoolers? They’ve been lost amidst swim lessons, gymnastics, school preparation and overall growing up. When they say this stage moves too quickly, trust me, it moves to quickly.

That being said, I can’t imagine doing it any differently. As I learn more about my husbands and my kids every day, I become a better person myself. When I stop to look at life through their eyes, I see less of myself and more of God’s grace and sense of humor! I pray the next five years will continue to be filled with more family traditions, better organization, a few more trips to Disney World, afternoons cooking together, evenings flapping my kids in the sheets before bed, koala bear hugs, dress up, singing, dancing, creative versions of date-nights, and an overall mission of turning our kids into kind, responsible, functioning citizens with a love for God and one another.  I know marriage and family-rearing will never be easy, but I’m confident it is very worth while!